Spiritual Warfare Seminar

[Seminário completo em Português]

We are admonished in Scriptures to not be ignorant of Satan’s devices. Ignorance is not bliss! By hiding our “heads in the sand”, or by denying Satan’s very existence, will not solve the problems he has orchestrated. As believers in the Lord Jesus, we must have our eyes wide open to the spiritual world that surrounds us.

We must be well trained and equipped for the battle against our common foe. It is time for the Church to stand firm against all the attacks of the enemy, to defeat him with the spiritual weapons that are at our disposal, and to take back what he has stolen.

You can watch this seminar in the video player below or on our YouTube channel.

Seminar ministered by Pr. James Reimer, based on the book Layered Warfare (published in 2020), that can be bought at Amazon.com.

Illustration: Seth Reimer

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